RSS Technical Reports by Date

Wentz, K, A Manaster, 2022, The Microwave Climate Data Center Repository, Remote Sensing Systems, Santa Rosa, CA, 19 pp.

Meissner, T, FJ Wentz, A Manaster, R Lindsley, M Brewer, M Densberger, 2022, NASA/RSS SMAP SSS V5.0 validated release (release notes, file and data formats, description of the algorithm, ATBD, validation), report number 033122, Remote Sensing Systems, Santa Rosa, CA, 64 pp.

Meissner, T, L Ricciardulli, 2018, TC Analysis and Remote Sensing, Remote Sensing Systems, Santa Rosa, CA, 21 pp.

Meissner, T, FJ Wentz, DM Le Vine, 2017, Aquarius Salinity Retrieval Algorithm End of Mission ATBD, report number 120117, Remote Sensing Systems, Santa Rosa, CA, 113 pp.

Meissner, T, FJ Wentz, 2016, RSS SMAP Salinity: Version 2 Validated Release, report number 091316, Remote Sensing Systems, Santa Rosa, CA, 23 pp.

Ricciardulli, L, 2016, Radiometer Rain Colocations with JPL RapidScat Winds on L2B Swath Grid, report number 081816, Remote Sensing Systems, Santa Rosa, CA, 6 pp.

Ricciardulli, L, 2016, ASCAT on MetOp-A Data Product Update Notes, report number 040416, Remote Sensing Systems, Santa Rosa, CA, 5 pp.

FJ Wentz, T Meissner, 2015, Atmospheric Absorption Model for Dry Air and Water Vapor at Microwave Frequencies below 100 GHz Derived from Spaceborne Radiometer Observations, report number 103015, Remote Sensing Systems, Santa Rosa, CA, 26 pp.

FJ Wentz, 2015, Updates to TMI Ocean Products, Remote Sensing Systems, Santa Rosa, CA, 3 pp.

Meissner, T, FJ Wentz, D LeVine, J. Scott, 2014, Aquarius Salinity Retrieval Algorithm Theroretical Basis Document (ATBD), Addendum 3, report number 060414, Remote Sensing Systems, Santa Rosa, CA, 24 pp.

Meissner, T, 2014, Performance Degradation and Q/C Flagging of Aquarius L2 Salinity Retrievals, report number 031814, Remote Sensing Systems, Santa Rosa, CA, 9 pp.

Wentz, FJ, L Ricciardulli, 2013, Improvements to the Vector Wind Climate Record Using RapidScat as a Common Reference and Aquarius/SMAP for High Winds in Rain, report number 111313, Remote Sensing Systems, Santa Rosa, CA, 20 pp.

Wentz, FJ, 2013, SSM/I Version-7 Calibration Report, report number 011012, Remote Sensing Systems, Santa Rosa, CA, 46 pp.

Meissner, T, FJ Wentz, D Draper, 2012, GMI Calibration Algorithm and Analysis Theoretical Basis Document, report number 041912, Version-G, Remote Sensing Systems, Santa Rosa, CA, 124 pp.

Wentz, FJ, 2012, An Evaluation of WindSat Long-Term Stability, report number 101512, Remote Sensing Systems, Santa Rosa, CA, 2 pp.

Wentz, FJ, DM Le Vine, 2012, Aquarius Salinity Retrieval Algorithm, report number 082912, Remote Sensing Systems, Santa Rosa, CA, 45 pp.

Hilburn, KA, CL Shie, 2011, Decadal Trends and Variability in Special Sensor Microwave / Imager (SSM/I) Brightness Temperatures and Earth Incidence Angle, report number 092811, Remote Sensing Systems, Santa Rosa, CA, 53 pp.

Ricciardulli, L, FJ Wentz, 2011, Reprocessed QuikSCAT (V04) Wind Vectors With Ku-2011 Geophysical Model Function, report number 043011, Remote Sensing Systems, Santa Rosa, CA, 8 pp.

Wentz, FJ, DM Le Vine, 2011, Aquarius Salinity Retrieval Algorithm, report number 081611, Remote Sensing Systems, Santa Rosa, CA, 27 pp.

Wentz, FJ, 2010, The Version-6 Calibration of SSM/I, report number 102210, Remote Sensing Systems, Santa Rosa, CA, 35 pp.

Hilburn, KA, 2009, Including Temperature Effects in the F15 RADCAL Correction, report number 051209, Remote Sensing Systems, Santa Rosa, CA, 11 pp.

Hilburn, KA, 2009, The Passive Microwave Water Cycle Product, report number 072409, Remote Sensing Systems, Santa Rosa, CA, 30 pp.

Wentz, FJ, T Meissner, 2007, AMSR-E Ocean Algorithms; Supplement 1, report number 051707, Remote Sensing Systems, Santa Rosa, CA, 6 pp.

Mears, CA, CE Forest, RW Spencer and others, 2006, What Is Our Understanding of the Contribution Made by Observational or Methodological Uncertainties to the Previously Reported Vertical Differences in Temperature Trends?, report number Synthesis and Assessment Product 1.1, Chapter 4, U.S. Climate Change Science Program, Washington, DC.

Wentz, FJ, 2006, Updates to the AMSR-E Level-2A Version B07 Algorithm, report number 013006, Remote Sensing Systems, Santa Rosa, CA, 11 pp.

Wentz, FJ, 2006, The Estimation of TOA TB From Aquarius Observations, report number 013006, Remote Sensing Systems, Santa Rosa, CA, 21 pp.

Wentz, FJ, 2006, Updates to TMI V04 Ocean Products, report number 093006, Remote Sensing Systems, Santa Rosa, CA, 2 pp.

Wentz, FJ, T Meissner, DK Smith, 2005, Assessment of the WindSat Retrievals Produced by NRL, report number 010605, Remote Sensing Systems, Santa Rosa, CA, 30 pp.

Wentz, FJ, 2005, The Effect of Clouds and Rain on the Aquarius Salinity Retrieval, report number 3031805, Remote Sensing Systems, Santa Rosa, CA, 14 pp.

Meissner, T, FJ Wentz, 2003, Radiative Transfer Model Function From SSM/I Brightness Temperatures, report number 030103, Remote Sensing Systems (submitted to AER), Santa Rosa, CA.

Wentz, FJ, MC Schabel, CA Mears and others, 2002, Lower Tropospheric Air Temperature Derived From a Blended Analysis of MSU, SSM/T1, SSM/I, NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis, and Reynolds SST, report number 082702, Remote Sensing Systems, Santa Rosa, CA, 25 pp.

Smith, CK, FJ Wentz, T Meissner, 2001, CMIS Ocean EDR, report number 011001, Remote Sensing Systems, Santa Rosa, CA, 163 pp.

Ashcroft, PD, FJ Wentz, 2000, AMSR Level 2A Algorithm, report number 121599B-1, Remote Sensing Systems, Santa Rosa, CA, 29 pp.

Mears, CA, DK Smith, FJ Wentz, 2000, QuikScat Brightness Temperatures and Their Impact on Rain Flagging, report number 031300, Remote Sensing Systems, Santa Rosa, CA, 6 pp.

Wentz, FJ, T Meissner, 2000, AMSR Ocean Algorithm, Version 2, report number 121599A-1, Remote Sensing Systems, Santa Rosa, CA, 66 pp.

Mears, CA, DK Smith, FJ Wentz, 1999, Development of a Rain Flag for QuikScat, report number 121999, Remote Sensing Systems, Santa Rosa, CA, 13 pp.

Meissner, T, C Smith, FJ Wentz, 1999, Brightness Temperature Simulation and Wind Vector Retrieval for CMIS, report number 120199, Remote Sensing Systems, Santa Rosa, CA.

Wentz, FJ, 1998, AMSR Ocean Algorithm, report number 110398, Remote Sensing Systems, Santa Rosa, CA, 66 pp.

Wentz, FJ, 1997, Specifying the NSCAT MLE Expected Variance Using the After-the-Fit Sigma0 Residual, report number 121097, Remote Sensing Systems, Santa Rosa, CA.

Wentz, FJ, 1996, Assigning a Rain Flag to NSCAT Observations Using SSM/I Rain Maps, report number 012096, Remote Sensing Systems, Santa Rosa, CA.

Wentz, FJ, 1996, Climatology of 14-GHz Atmospheric Attenuation, report number 052096, Remote Sensing Systems, Santa Rosa, CA, 6 pp.

Wentz, FJ, 1995, NSCAT Attenuation and Rain Flag Study, report number 013195, Remote Sensing Systems, Santa Rosa, CA.

Wentz, FJ, DJ Cavalieri, 1995, A 20-Year Geophysical Data Set From Window-Frequency Microwave Radiometers, report number 030695, Remote Sensing Systems, Santa Rosa, CA.

Wentz, FJ, 1995, Error in Estimating 14-GHz Atmospheric Attenuation From Climatology for the Case of No Rain, report number 122095, Remote Sensing Systems, Santa Rosa, CA.

Wentz, FJ, 1993, User's Manual: SSM/I Antenna Temperature Tapes (Revision 2), report number 120193, Remote Sensing Systems, Santa Rosa, CA, 36 pp.

Wentz, FJ, 1991, User's Manual: SSM/I Antenna Temperature Tapes (Revision 1), report number 120191, Remote Sensing Systems, Santa Rosa, CA, 73 pp.

Wentz, FJ, 1990, SBIR Phase II Report: West Coast Storm Forecasting With SSM/I, report number 033190, Remote Sensing Systems, Santa Rosa, CA.

Wentz, FJ, 1988, User's Manual: SSM/I Antenna Temperature Tapes, report number 032588, Remote Sensing Systems, Santa Rosa, CA, 44 pp.

Wentz, FJ, 1981, The Effect of Sea-Surface Sun Glitter on Microwave Radiometer Measurements, report number 110481, Remote Sensing Systems, Santa Rosa, CA, 58 pp.

Wentz, FJ, 1977, A Two-Scale Scattering Model With Application to JONSWAP '75 Aircraft Microwave Scatterometer Experiment, report number 2919, National Technical Information Service, Alexandria, VA, 122 pp.