RSS Conference Presentations by Author

Ashcroft, Peter D., Wentz, Frank J., Hilburn, Kyle A., and Smith, Deborah K., 2004, Active-passive microwave remote sensing with SeaWinds and AMSR, presented at IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), Anchorage, AK.

Gentemann, Chelle L., Smith, Deborah K., and Wentz, Frank J., 2000, Microwave SST correlations with hurricane intensity, presented at AMS 24th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, Fort Lauderdale, FL.

Gentemann, Chelle L. and Wentz, Frank J., 2001, Satellite microwave SST: Accuracy, comparisons to AVHRR and Reynolds SST, and measurement of diurnal thermocline variability, presented at IGARSS'01, Sydney, Australia.

Gentemann, Chelle L., Wick, Gary A., Cummings, J., and Bayler, E., 2004, Multi-sensor improved sea surface temperature (MISST) for GODAE, presented at 13th Conference on Satellite Meteorology and Oceanography, Norfolk, VA.

Gentemann, Chelle L. and Minnett, Peter J., 2006, In situ observations of diurnal warming in the skin layer, presented at IGARSS'06 and 27th Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing, Denver, CO.

Gentemann, Chelle L., Wentz, Frank J., and DeMaria, Mark, 2006, Near real time global optimum interpolated microwave SSTs: applications to hurricane intensity forecasting, presented at 27th conference on hurricanes and tropical meteorology, Monterey, CA.

Gentemann, Chelle L. and Scott, Joel, 2014, Variability in tropical cyclone induced upper ocean cooling, presented at Ocean Sciences, Honolulu, HI.

Hilburn, Kyle A., Poellot, Michael R., and Arnott, W. P., 2000, The microphysical structure of anvil cirrus: three cases from ARM 1994, presented at Tenth Annual ARM Science Team Meeting, San Antonio, TX.

Hilburn, Kyle A., Bourassa, Mark A., and O'Brien, James J., 2001, Development of scatterometer-derived surface pressures, presented at AGU 2001 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.

Hilburn, Kyle A., Bourassa, Mark A., and O'Brien, James J., 2002, Development of scatterometer-derived research-quality surface pressure fields for the southern ocean, presented at 82nd Annual American Meteorological Society Meeting, Orlando, FL.

Hilburn, Kyle A., O'Brien, James J., and Bourassa, Mark A., 2003, High-resolution, research-quality surface pressures, presented at Ocean Vector Winds Science Team Meeting, Oxnard, CA.

Hilburn, Kyle A., Bourassa, Mark A., and O'Brien, James J., 2003, Development of scatterometer derived research-quality surface pressures for the southern ocean, presented at 83rd Annual American Meteorological Society Meeting, Long Beach, CA.

Hilburn, Kyle A. and Wentz, Frank J., 2003, Rain effects on SeaWinds data, presented at Oceans 2003 Marine Technology and Ocean Science Conference, San Diego, CA.

Hilburn, Kyle A., Wentz, Frank J., and Mears, Carl A., 2003, Rain effects on SeaWinds data, presented at IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), Toulouse, France.

Hilburn, Kyle A. and Wentz, Frank J., 2003, Progress towards a combined AMSR/SeaWinds algorithm, presented at SeaWinds Cal/Val Meeting, Arcadia, CA.

Hilburn, Kyle A., Amarasinghe, N., and Wentz, Frank J., 2004, Resolution dependence of satellite rain measurements, presented at 8th International Conference on Precipitation, Vancouver, BC, Canada.

Hilburn, Kyle A. and Wentz, Frank J., 2004, Estimating water vapor transport using a multiple satellite network, presented at 2004 Fall AGU Meeting, San Francisco, CA.

Hilburn, Kyle A. and Wentz, Frank J., 2005, Intercalibration of passive microwave rain products, presented at Precipitation Measurement Missions Science Team Meeting, Monterey, CA.

Hilburn, Kyle A., Wentz, Frank J., Ashcroft, Peter D., and Smith, Deborah K., 2005, Active-passive microwave remote sensing with SeaWinds and AMSR on Midori-II, presented at Ocean Vector Winds Science Team Meeting, Seattle, WA.

Hilburn, Kyle A., Wentz, Frank J., and Smith, Deborah K., 2006, Intercalibration of passive microwave rain products, presented at 86th Annual American Meteorological Society Meeting, Atlanta, GA.

Hilburn, Kyle A. and Wentz, Frank J., 2006, Intercalibration of passive microwave rain products, presented at AGU Joint Assembly, Baltimore, Maryland.

Hilburn, Kyle A. and Wentz, Frank J., 2006, Monitoring the hydrological cycle over the oceans, presented at Second NASA Energy and Water Cycle Study (NEWS) PI Meeting, UMUC, Adelphi, Maryland.

Hilburn, Kyle A., Smith, Deborah K., and Wentz, Frank J., 2006, A SeaWinds correction algorithm and performance in tropical cyclones, presented at Ocean Vector Wind Science Team Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT.

Hilburn, Kyle A. and Wentz, Frank J., 2007, The passive microwave water cycle product: closing the water cycle over the ocean using a constellation of satellites, presented at NASA Energy and Water Cycle Study (NEWS) 3rd Annual PI Meeting, Marshall Space Flight Center, NSSTC, Huntsville, AL.

Hilburn, Kyle A., Gentemann, Chelle L., Smith, Deborah K., and Wentz, Frank J., 2007, Contributions of satellite microwave data to hurricane research and operations, presented at 61st Interdepartmental Hurricane Conference, New Orleans, LA.

Hilburn, Kyle A. and Wentz, Frank J., 2007, Intercalibration of passive microwave rain rates, presented at IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), Barcelona, Spain.

Hilburn, Kyle A. and Wentz, Frank J., 2007, Intercalibration of passive microwave rain rates, presented at NASA Precipitation Measurement Missions (PMM) Science Team Meeting, Atlanta, GA.

Hilburn, Kyle A. and Wentz, Frank J., 2007, Intercalibration of passive microwave rain rates, presented at AGU Joint Assembly, Acapulco, Mexico.

Hilburn, Kyle A. and Wentz, Frank J., 2007, The Passive Microwave Water Cycle (PMWC) product: Closing the water cycle using a constellation of satellites, presented at 2007 Fall AGU meeting, San Francisco, CA.

Hilburn, Kyle A. and Wentz, Frank J., 2008, Intercalibration of passive microwave rain rates, presented at NASA PMM Science Team Meeting, Fort Collins, CO.

Hilburn, Kyle A. and Wentz, Frank J., 2008, The passive microwave water cycle product: closing the water cycle over the ocean using a constellation of satellites, presented at NASA Energy and Water Cycle Study PI Meeting, Baltimore, MD.

Hilburn, Kyle A. and Wentz, Frank J., 2008, The next generation of passive microwave retrievals in the GPM era, presented at IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), Boston, MA.

Hilburn, Kyle A. and Wentz, Frank J., 2008, Closing the water cycle using a constellation of satellites, presented at AGU Joint Assembly, Fort Lauderdale, FL.

Hilburn, Kyle A. and Wentz, Frank J., 2008, Closing the water cycle using a constellation of satellites, presented at Ocean Sciences Meeting, Orlando, FL.

Hilburn, Kyle A. and Wentz, Frank J., 2008, Passive microwave rain retrievals: lessons learned from TRMM and applications to GPM, presented at Third NASA/JAXA International TRMM Science Conference, Las Vegas, NV.

Hilburn, Kyle A. and Wentz, Frank J., 2009, Modeling F15 RADCAL beacon contamination, presented at NASA PMM Science Team Meeting, Salt Lake City.

Hilburn, Kyle A. and Wentz, Frank J., 2009, The passive microwave water cycle product: Closing the water cycle over the ocean using a constellation of satellites, presented at NASA Energy and Water Cycle Study PI Meeting, Columbia, MD.

Hilburn, Kyle A. and Wentz, Frank J., 2009, A precipitation climatology using satellite remote sensing and water cycle constraints, presented at 2009 EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria.

Hilburn, Kyle A., 2009, Trends in microwave-based climate data records from satellites, presented at Fall AGU Meeting, San Francisco.

Hilburn, Kyle A. and Wentz, Frank J., 2009, Closing the water cycle over the ocean using a constellation of satellites, presented at 89th Annual American Meteorology Society Meeting, Phoenix, AZ.

Hilburn, Kyle A., 2010, Trends in microwave-based climate data records from satellites, presented at Ocean Sciences Meeting, Portland, Oregon.

Hilburn, Kyle A., 2010, Intercomparison of water vapor transport datasets, presented at 17th Conference on Satellite Meteorology and Oceanography and 17th Conference on Air-Sea Interaction, Annapolis, MD.

Hilburn, Kyle A., Wentz, Frank J., Mears, Carl A., Meissner, Thomas, and Smith, Deborah K., 2010, Description of Remote Sensing Systems version-7 geophysical retrievals, presented at 17th Conference on Satellite Meteorology and Oceanography and 17th Conference on Air-Sea Interaction, Annapolis, MD.

Hilburn, Kyle A. and Wentz, Frank J., 2010, Intercomparison of water vapor transport datasets, presented at AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.

Hilburn, Kyle A. and Shie, Chung Lin, 2011, Decadal trends and variability in Special Sensor Microwave/Imager (SSM/I) brightness temperatures and earth incidence angle, presented at AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco.

Hilburn, Kyle A. and Smith, Deborah K., 2012, Assessment of Remote Sensing Systems version-7 rain rates, presented at 2012 AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.

Hilburn, Kyle A., Wentz, Frank J., Meissner, Thomas, and Mears, Carl A., 2012, RSS Version-7, presented at X-Cal Meeting, Ann Arbor, MI.

Hilburn, Kyle A., Gentemann, Chelle L., Brewer, Marty, Ricciardulli, Lucrezia, and Wentz, Frank J., 2014, RFI detection and mitigation for AMSR-E ocean retrievals, presented at MicroRad 2014, Pasadena, CA.

Mears, Carl A., Smith,D.K., and Wentz,F.J., 2000, Detecting Rain With QuikScat, in IEEE 2000 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium Proceedings, pages 1235-1237.

Mears, Carl A., Schabel,M.C., Wentz,F.J., Santer,B.D., and Govindasamy,B., 2002, Correcting the MSU Middle Tropospheric Temperature for Diurnal Drifts, in Proceedings of the International Geophysics and Remote Sensing Symposium, pages 1839-1841.

Mears, Carl A., Wentz, Frank J., and Thorne, Peter, 2011, Uncertainty estimates for MSU/AMSU derived atmospheric temperatures, presented at AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco.

Mears, Carl A., Hilburn, Kyle A., Smith, Deborah K., Gentemann, Chelle L., and Wentz, Frank J., 2012, Adding uncertainty information to the ocean suite of ESDRs from microwave imaging instruments, presented at 2012 AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.

Meissner, Thomas and Wentz, Frank J., 2002, The ocean algorithm suite for the Conical-scanning Microwave Imager (CMIS), presented at IGARSS'02, Toronto, Canada.

Meissner, Thomas and Wentz, Frank J., 2006, Ocean retrievals for WindSat: Radiative transfer model, algorithm, validation, presented at 9th Specialist Meeting on Microwave Radiometry and Remote Sensing Applications, Puerto Rico, USA.

Meissner, Thomas and Wentz, Frank J., 2008, Wind retrievals under rain for passive satellite microwave radiometers and its application to hurricane tracking, presented at 10th Specialist Meeting on Microwave Radiometry and Remote Sensing of the Environment, Florence, Italy.

Meissner, Thomas, Ricciardulli, Lucrezia, and Wentz, Frank J., 2010, The RSS WindSat version 7 all-weather wind vector product, presented at International Ocean Vector Winds Meeting, Barcelona, Spain.

Meissner, Thomas and Wentz, Frank J., 2010, Intercalibration of AMSR-E and WindSat brightness temperature measurements over land scenes, presented at IGARSS 2010, Honolulu, HI.

Meissner, Thomas, Ricciardulli, Lucrezia, and Wentz, Frank J., 2010, Wind measurements from active and passive microwave sensors: High winds and winds in Rain, presented at URSI-F Microwave Signatures Meeting 2010, Florence, Italy.

Meissner, Thomas and Wentz,F.J., 2010, Intercalibration of AMSR-E and WindSat Brightness Temperature Measurements Over Land Scenes, in 11th Specialist Meeting on Microwave Radiometry and Remote Sensing of the Environment, pages 241-242.

Meissner, Thomas, Ricciardulli, Lucrezia, and Wentz, Frank J., 2010, All-weather wind measurements from intercalibrated active and passive microwave satellite sensors: The RSS version 7 ocean suite, presented at AMS 17th Conference on Conference on Satellite Meteorology and Oceanography, Annapolis, MD.

Meissner, Thomas, Ricciardulli, Lucrezia, and Wentz, Frank J., 2010, Advancements in satellite retrievals of ocean winds under storm conditions: The new WindSat all-weather dataset, presented at AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.

Meissner, Thomas, Ricciardulli,L., and Wentz,F.J., 2011, All-Weather Wind Vector Measurements From Intercalibrated Active and Passive Microwave Satellite Sensors, in 2011 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), pages 1509-1511.

Meissner, Thomas and Wentz, Frank J., 2011, Surface emissivity model: Development and validation cal/val activities, presented at Aquarius Cal/Val Workshop, JPL, Pasadena, CA.

Meissner, Thomas and Wentz, Frank J., 2012, The RSS ocean surface emissivity model: Specular and wind induced ocean surface emissivity between L and W-band over a large range of wind speeds and Earth incidence angles, presented at 2012 AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.

Meissner, Thomas, Wentz, Frank J., and Hilburn, Kyle A., 2013, The Aquarius salinity retrieval algorithm, presented at EGU General Assembly 2013, Vienna, Austria.

Meissner, Thomas, Wentz, Frank J., Scott, Joel, and Hilburn, Kyle A., 2014, Upper ocean salinity stratification and rain freshening in the tropics observed from Aquarius, presented at IGARSS 2014, Quebec, Canada.

Ricciardulli, Lucrezia and Wentz,F.J., 2003, Insights Gained From a TRMM Microwave and Infrared Sea Surface Temperature Comparison, in Proceedings OCEANS 2003, pages 1839-1842.

Ricciardulli, Lucrezia and Wentz, Frank J., 2003, Identification of errors and uncertainties in sea surface temperature retrievals by comparison of microwave and infrared observations from TRMM, presented at Fall Meeting 2003, San Francisco.

Ricciardulli, Lucrezia and Wentz, Frank J., 2004, Comparison of microwave and infrared sea surface temperature retrievals from TRMM: analysis of SST error sources, presented at Ocean Sciences Meeting, Portland, OR.

Ricciardulli, Lucrezia, Mears, Carl A., and Hack, James J., 2005, The impact of a parameterization of SST diurnal warming on convection and surface fluxes in CAM3, presented at Community Climate System Model Atmospheric Working Group Meeting, Boulder, CO.

Ricciardulli, Lucrezia and Wentz, Frank J., 2006, A new global dataset for detecting changes in surface winds and storm activity: SSM/I V6, presented at Fall Meeting 2006, San Francisco.

Ricciardulli, Lucrezia and Garcia, Rolando R., 2007, Equatorial waves excited by convection studied with the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model (WACCM), presented at AGU 2007 Fall Meeting, San Francisco.

Ricciardulli, Lucrezia, Wentz, Frank J., and Hilburn, Kyle A., 2007, Satellite evidence of acceleration of the hydrologic cycle, presented at XXIV IUGG General Assembly, Perugia, Italy.

Ricciardulli, Lucrezia, Wentz, Frank J., and Hilburn, Kyle A., 2007, Changes in global water cycle: Discrepancy between satellite observations and climate models, presented at AGU 2007 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.

Ricciardulli, Lucrezia and Garcia, Rolando R., 2008, Equatorial waves excited by the Tiedtke convective scheme studied with WACCM, presented at Community Climate System Model (CCSM) Atmospheric Working Group Meeting, Boulder, CO.

Ricciardulli, Lucrezia and Wentz, Frank J., 2008, Observed wind anomalies in the Southern Pacific and their impact on tropical SSTs during La Nina, presented at AGU 2008 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.

Ricciardulli, Lucrezia and Wentz, Frank J., 2010, Improving QuikSCAT retrievals of high winds, presented at NASA Ocean Vector Winds Science Team Meeting, Barcelona, Spain.

Ricciardulli, Lucrezia and Wentz, Frank J., 2010, Improved QuikSCAT retrievals of high winds, presented at AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.

Ricciardulli, Lucrezia and Wentz, Frank J., 2010, Improving satellite wind retrievals of high winds: A new geophysical model function for QuikScat, presented at Ocean Sciences Meeting, Portland, OR.

Ricciardulli, Lucrezia and Wentz, Frank J., 2011, The new geophysical model function for QuikSCAT: Implementation and validation, presented at International Ocean Vector Winds Science Team Meeting, Annapolis, MD.

Ricciardulli, Lucrezia and Wentz, Frank J., 2012, Development of consistent geophysical model functions for different scatterometer missions: Ku and C-band, presented at NASA 2012 IOVWST meeting, Utrecht, Netherlands.

Ricciardulli, Lucrezia, Meissner,T., and Wentz,F.J., 2012, Towards a Climate Data Record of Satellite Ocean Vector Winds, in IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, pages 2067-2069.

Ricciardulli, Lucrezia and Wentz, Frank J., 2013, Challenges of integrating multiple scatterometer observations into a climate data record: The effect of diurnal variability, presented at IOVWST 2013, Kona, Hawaii.

Ricciardulli, Lucrezia and Wentz, Frank J., 2013, Towards a climate data record of ocean vector winds: The new RSS ASCAT, presented at IOVWST 2013, Kona, Hawaii.

Ricciardulli, Lucrezia and Wentz, Frank J., 2014, Integrating multiple scatterometer observations into a climate data record of ocean vector winds, presented at 2014 Ocean Sciences Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Schabel, Matthias C., Mears, Carl A., and Wentz, Frank J., 2002, Stable long-term retrieval of mid-tropospheric temperature time series from the MSU, presented at IGARSS'02, Toronto, Canada.

Smith, Deborah K. and Wentz, Frank J., 1998, NSCAT wind retrieval within high rain events, presented at AGU Spring Meeting, Boston, MA.

Smith, Deborah K. and Wentz, Frank J., 1998, Correction of rain affected NSCAT winds, presented at AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.

Smith, Deborah K., Wentz, Frank J., and Mears, Carl A., 1999, Comparison of TRMM TMI sea surface temperature and wind speed retrievals with measurements from selected NDBC, TAO and PIRATA buoys, presented at AGU Spring Meeting, Boston, MA.

Smith, Deborah K., Mears, Carl A., Gentemann, Chelle L., and Wentz, Frank J., 2000, Validation of QuikSCAT tropical cyclone winds, presented at 24th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, Ft. Lauderdale, FL.

Smith, Deborah K., Wentz, Frank J., and Gentemann, Chelle L., 2001, Detection and characterization of diurnal winds using QuikSCAT data, presented at AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.

Smith, Deborah K., Wentz, Frank J., and Mears, Carl A., 2002, Analysis of QuikSCAT rain-flagged winds within the tropical cyclone environment, presented at 25th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, San Diego, CA.

Smith, Deborah K., Mears,C.A., and Wentz,F.J., 2002, Detection and Characterization of Diurnal Winds Using QuikScat Data, in IEEE 2002 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium Proceedings, pages 735-737.

Smith, Deborah K., Wentz, Frank J., and Mears, Carl A., 2003, Results of QuikScat high wind data validation, presented at AMS 83rd Annual Meeting, Long Beach, CA.

Smith, Deborah K., Mears, Carl A., and Wentz, Frank J., 2003, Adjustments to the Ku-2001 model function, presented at NASA OVWST Meeting, Oxnard, CA.

Smith, Deborah K. and Wentz, Frank J., 2003, Validation of Aqua AMSR-E ocean surface wind speeds, presented at AGU 2003 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.

Smith, Deborah K., Wentz, Frank J., Spencer, Roy W., Graves, S. J., and Goodman, H. Michael, 2004, The DISCOVER project: Release of the sea surface temperature product, presented at 13th Conference on Satellite Meteorology and Oceanography, Norfolk, VA.

Smith, Deborah K., Brewer, Marty, and Wentz, Frank J., 2004, Public release of a tropical cyclone microwave scatterometer and radiometer data archive, presented at 26th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, Miami, FL.

Smith, Deborah K., Hilburn, Kyle A., and Wentz, Frank J., 2006, Validation of SeaWinds and QuikSCAT Beta products, presented at JPL Scatterometer Data Products Validation Meeting, Pasadena, CA.

Smith, Deborah K., Hilburn, Kyle A., and Wentz, Frank J., 2006, Performance evaluation of rain-corrected scatterometer winds in tropical cyclones, presented at 27th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, Monterey, CA.

Smith, Deborah K., Hilburn, Kyle A., and Wentz, Frank J., 2006, New climate products available from DISCOVER, presented at 14th Conference on Satellite Meteorology and Oceanography, AMS 86th Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA.

Smith, Deborah K., Hilburn, Kyle A., Wentz, Frank J., and Gentemann, Chelle L., 2008, Use of DISCOVER microwave ocean products in climate studies, presented at IGARSS '08, Boston, MA.

Smith, Deborah K., Hilburn, Kyle A., and Wentz, Frank J., 2008, DISCOVER merged water vapor product validation, presented at 22nd Conference on Hydrology, 88th AMS Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.

Smith, Deborah K., Wentz, Frank J., Hilburn, Kyle A., and Gentemann, Chelle L., 2008, Making intercalibrated, multi-instrument microwave Earth science data records, presented at AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.

Smith, Deborah K., Hilburn, Kyle A., and Wentz, Frank J., 2009, Area rain flagging: What is it and why is it necessary when using satellite microwave data?, presented at AMS 89th Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ.

Smith, Deborah K., Wentz, Frank J., Hilburn, Kyle A., and Gentemann, Chelle L., 2009, Lessons learned from 10 years of delivering quality microwave data to scientists, presented at 2009 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.

Smith, Deborah K., Hilburn, Kyle A., and Wentz, Frank J., 2009, Characterization of a regional wind using SSM/I and QuikSCAT data, presented at AMS 89th Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ.

Smith, Deborah K., Hilburn, Kyle A., Meissner, Thomas, and Ricciardulli, Lucrezia, 2010, Examination of satellite/model ocean wind differences, presented at 17th Conference on Satellite Meteorology and Oceanography, Annapolis, MD.

Smith, Deborah K., Hilburn, Kyle A., Mears, Carl A., and Wentz, Frank J., 2010, Identifying and explaining subtle AMSR-E vapor and wind speed differences, presented at 18th Conference on Applied Climatology, AMS 90th Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA.

Smith, Deborah K., Wentz, Frank J., and Gentemann, Chelle L., 2010, DISCOVER near real-time ocean data products: Examples of uses and limitations, presented at AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.

Smith, Deborah K., Hilburn, Kyle A., Wentz, Frank J., and Gentemann, Chelle L., 2010, Satellite evidence of yearly air-sea interaction off the coast of Colombia, presented at 18th Conference on Applied Climatology, 90th AMS Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA.

Smith, Deborah K., Wentz, Frank J., Hilburn, Kyle A., and Gentemann, Chelle L., 2011, The DISCOVER passive Microwave data available for climate study, presented at WCRP Open Science Conference, Denver, CO.

Smith, Deborah K., Wentz, Frank J., Hilburn, Kyle A., and Mears, Carl A., 2011, Communicating satellite MW ocean product errors to a variety of users, presented at Second Conference on Weather, Climate, and the New Energy Economy, 91st AMS Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA.

Smith, Deborah K., Li, X., and Keiser, K., 2012, A climatology of mountain gap wind jets and related coastal upwelling based on analysis of satellite climate data records, presented at 2012 Ocean Sciences Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT.

Smith, Deborah K., Mears, Carl A., Hilburn, Kyle A., Ricciardulli, Lucrezia, and Wentz, Frank J., 2012, Contribution of data set construction methodology to data set uncertainties, presented at 2012 AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.

Smith, Deborah K., Mears, Carl A., Hilburn, Kyle A., and Ricciardulli, Lucrezia, 2013, Satellite merged microwave radiometer datasets for climate studies, presented at AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.

Smith, Deborah K., Mears, Carl, Hilburn, Kyle A., and Ricciardulli, Lucrezia, 2013, A 25-year satellite microwave mean total precipitable water data set for use in climate study, presented at 2013 EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference, Vienna, Austria.

Wentz, Frank J. and Smith, Deborah K., 1998, Rain effect on NSCAT sigma-0 measurements, presented at NASA Scatterometer Science Symposium, Kona, Hawaii.

Wentz, Frank J., Smith, Deborah K., and Mears, Carl A., 1999, The effect of rain on QuikScat, presented at OVWST Meeting, Arcadia, CA.

Wentz, Frank J., 1999, NSCAT-2 geophysical model function, presented at NASA Scatterometer Cal/Val and Science Team Meeting, Kona, Hawaii.

Wentz, Frank J., Smith, Deborah K., Mears, Carl A., and Gentemann, Chelle L., 2001, Advanced algorithms for QuikScat and SeaWinds/AMSR, presented at IGARSS'01, Sydney, Australia.

Wentz, Frank J., Mears, Carl A., Hilburn, Kyle A., and Smith, Deborah K., 2003, Progress in understanding the effect of rain on Ku-band microwaves and refinement of the Ku-2001 model function, presented at Ocean Vector Winds Science Team (OVWST) Meeting: Abstracts, Oxnard, CA.

Wentz, Frank J., Gentemann, Chelle L., and Ashcroft, Peter D., 2003, On-orbit calibration of AMSR-E and the retrieval of ocean products, presented at 83rd AMS Annual Meeting, Long Beach, CA.

Wentz, Frank J., Smith, Deborah K., Ashcroft, Peter D., and Hilburn, Kyle A., 2004, Active-passive microwave remote sensing with SeaWinds and AMSR, presented at 13th Conference on Satellite Meteorology and Oceanography, Norfolk, VA.

Wentz, Frank J., Smith, Deborah K., and Hilburn, Kyle A., 2004, Active-passive microwave remote sensing with the Midori-II scatterometer and radiometer, presented at Ocean Sciences Meeting, Portland, OR.

Wentz, Frank J., Meissner, Thomas, and Smith, Deborah K., 2005, Evaluation of microwave scatterometers and radiometers as satellite anemometers, presented at IGARSS '05, Seoul, Korea.

Wentz, Frank J. and Hilburn, Kyle A., 2005, A hydrologically-consistent multi-satellite climatology of water vapor transport, evaporation, and precipitation over the oceans, presented at First NASA Energy and Water Cycle Study (NEWS) PI Kick-Off Meeting, GISS; New York, New York.

Wentz, Frank J., Hilburn, Kyle A., and Ricciardulli, Lucrezia, 2008, The impact of water vapor on precipitation and evaporation trends, presented at AGU 2008 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.

Wentz, Frank J. and Hilburn, Kyle A., 2008, Evaporation and water vapor transport dynamics over the oceans derived from satellites, presented at AGU 2008 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.

Wentz, Frank J., Mears, Carl A., Hilburn, Kyle A., and Smith, Deborah K., 2010, Comprehensive error estimates for geophysical retrievals from microwave radiometers, presented at AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.

Wentz, Frank J., 2010, Inter-calibration of SSM/I F13, SSM/IS F16, and WindSat: A holistic approach, presented at Ocean Sciences Meeting Supplement, Portland, OR.

Wentz, Frank J. and Mears, Carl A., 2011, The challenges of producing climate data records from satellite microwave radiometers, presented at WCRP Climate Conference, Denver, CO.

Wentz, Frank J., Mears, Carl A., Santer, Benjamin D., and Gleckler, Peter J., 2012, Decadal-scale changes in total column water vapor in satellite observations and models, presented at 2012 AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.

Wentz, Frank J., Ricciardulli, Lucrezia, and Smith, Deborah K., 2012, 25-Year ocean wind climatology from satellite observations, presented at AGU 2012 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.

Wentz, Frank J., Gentemann, Chelle L., and Hilburn, Kyle A., 12-9-2013, An Analysis of the AMSR-2 Brightness Temperature Calibration, Abstract OS44A-02, presented at 2013 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA.