Tropical Cyclone Amphan from RSS TC-Winds

Date Added: 
Friday, May 22, 2020


Tropical Cyclone Amphan in the Bay of Bengal as seen from satellite microwave radiometers SMAP (NASA), AMSR2 (JAXA), and WindSat (US Navy): Wind speed and rain rate fields observed on May 18-19, 2020.

SMAP V1 wind speeds are processed in Near-Real-Time (NRT, 2-3 hr latency) and are available at

AMSR2 TC-Winds and WindSat TC-Winds are two new products under development at Remote Sensing Systems. They are produced with a wind algorithm specifically developed for high winds in Tropical Cyclones (TCs), valid under rain and statistically trained using the SMAP winds. They are also processed in NRT and will be soon released to the public.